First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to consider becoming a partner with  Rock ministries. This is an exciting time for us and we are encouraged that you are considering  coming along on this journey. Our mission…  Is to bring people to Jesus, to disciple them, and then send them. This is how we plan to do it… our Vision…
  • To plant churches across the north of England.
  • A network of small groups, supporting, encouraging and resourcing one another.
  • To open places of prayer across the country for 24/7 prayer; and spiritual warfare for our towns, and our country.
  • To develop a team of workers/volunteers to work within a residential centre; A safe place for people to go to, that need a re-introduction to life, free from the problems of the past. I.E    addictions, prison and abuse etc.
Each month we will send out by email, an up to date news letter with the nuts and bolts of what we need prayer for within the up coming month or so. It will include up to date testimonies of what has been happening, to encourage you and keep you informed, knowing your prayers are impacting lives.

So how can you help?

1 prayer Prayer is one of the foundations of church planting. There is a real spiritual battle we   are in so, we are looking for people who will commit to pray for us: 2 social media Social media is a great platform to spread the good news and our message further than we can dream. If you are on facebook you can help. We would ask that you ‘like’ rock church page. Then once a week or so you, ‘like’ a post, leave a positive comment, ask a question or even share one of the posts. 3 become a financial partner with us Everything costs money and so does  church planting. 4 Be part of the team Every new build needs scaffolding around until it is established. We are looking for people who will be like scaffolding and help and support the church until it is strong enough to stand. These will commit to being part of the team for 6, 12 or 18 months or even longer.  To plan, do outreach, the welcome team, tea & coffee, the band, small groups, be leaders etc as we reach out into the local community and bring other people in who will stay and be the church in that area.